martes, 25 de junio de 2013

Homework #1

the professor put a task in which we had to make real budget you about the restaurant remodeling
and answer 3 questions:
1. which is the aim of the subject?
2. Name three methods to optimize resources?
3 .Explains the three types of clients

3 comentarios:

  1. Answers

    1. Learn to be manager
    2. reduce cost
    3. Prosumer (consume pruduct but making changes), consumer (the one that is faithful to one brand) and addsumer (use social networks).

    Jennifer Rogers

  2. 1- Manage the provision of kitchen facilities, and the handling of foodstuffs (including food storage and preparation), in order to maximise efficiency, hygiene and service with the restrictions of facilities available, Plan menus or list of food products for sale, appropriate to different situations., Manage the provision of alcoholic beverages appropriately, in different situations, Manage the provision of non-alcoholic beverages appropriately, in different situations.

    Provide a good salary to my staff
    give incentive
    ommunication between employees

    develop an annual budget

    Make Inventory each week
    check food storage


    3- Types of client
    consumer: are the loyal customers who always comsume the same
    prosumer: choose that they want to consume a product but you can add or remove
    addprosumer: collector of moments for social networks

    Johana Rutherford

  3. 1. The objective of the matter is that at the end of the course all know as organizing a food and beverage department, supplies, equipment and also in organizing an event.

    2. Human Resources:
    -String workshops for employees.
    -Celebrate birthdays of employees.
    -Give a gift to the best contributor of the month.

    Financial Resources
    - Deadlines: We should establish timetables to achieve the goals we want to achieve. Failure to achieve at a given time must analyze why this is happening and consider options and solutions.
    - Annual budget: You must prepare an annual budget, so you know if you are making money or losing. If you are missing you need to see why and change the way they are doing things, and if you are winning you need to decide if you save or invest.
    - Discounts: It is important to take advantage of discounts or offers that may arise, this to optimize the resources available to the company account. We must be able to negotiate with our suppliers to get special prices.

    Materials Resources:
    -Perform maintenance on heavy equipment in the kitchen and the administrative area.
    -Make good use of inputs.
    -Use good materials cleaning and fumigation.

    Technological Resources:
    -Provide training to employees on the correct use of each technological input.
    -Keeping good antivirus on computers.
    -Lock pages than business.

    3. Types of Client
    - Customer: A customer is a person who enjoys our services or resources that we offer.
    - Prosumer: The client that your business will make your order and change a bit of this. Change the order of your choice.
    - Add Prosumer: Is the customer who loves my business and talking to others how good it is my business, but does not return and pubic in their profiles that visited our restaurant.

    Nataly Alonzo Y.
